
  • Industry Titans that Failed at Digital Transformation

    Industry Titans that Failed at Digital Transformation
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    Digital transformation can be considered as a series of sum of small yet disruptive changes that are meant to re-define the way an organization functions for the better. This can mean refining traditional processes by introducing technology that supports them; or instituting new work policies that require employees to function a certain way.

    Whatever form digital transformation may take, the end goal is usually the same: improving productivity and efficiency, optimizing operations, and increasing profit. When done right, digital transformation brings both valuable and transformation changes for the organization. But when done wrong it bring disaster and ruin.

    In this article we will be doing a deep dive into 2 companies that failed at digital transformation. So, without further ado let’s get started


    Haribo, a German candy manufacturing company lost out more than 25% of their yearly sales due to a digital transformation initiative gone horribly wrong. How did this happen?

    In 2018 Haribo decided that it was high time they began overhauling their supply chain systems and do away with their legacy enterprise resource planning systems. After some deliberation, they began transitioning to SAP HANA, converting 16 candy factories spread across 10 countries.

    The transition from this decades-old technology required a great deal of manual effort to overhaul both the business processes and workflows that were specifically sculpted for the legacy systems of a long-gone era. The company understood that continuing to operate on legacy technology is not a viable strategy, but what they did not understand that attempting to modernize age old systems without having a proper plan in place can create a system rife with problems. This is what exactly happened and Haribo immediately began experiencing supply chain disruptions not long after the systems were in place. This ultimately led to the company facing production constraints and missed deliveries to supermarkets leading to the company’s revenue taking a big nosedive.

    Unlike some of the more highly publicized and dramatic failures, the problems that led to Haribo’s failure are in some ways much more commonly faced by organizations all over. For this reason, here are the key lessons that resulted in the digital transformation failure of Haribo:

    1. Failure to Re-Evaluate Existing Business Processes: The fact that business processes were broken after the company went live with their new ERP system meant that Haribo did not focus enough time and energy on revamping existing business processes. In order to avoid failure and ensure success, organizations need to clearly map their future state business processes to ensure alignment with their overarching operational model.
    1. Plan for Operational Disruptions: In any digital transformation project, it is important to take a proactive approach towards mitigating significant operational disruptions. Haribo was unrealistic to expect every system component to perfectly function on day one resulting in their project becoming a resounding failure. Instead, if Haribo had developed a proper risk mitigation plan to address supply chain setbacks, it may have been able to weather the shaky initial rollout.
    2. System testing was overlooked: Before going live with a new ERP system, it only makes logical sense to first test it to see everything runs as right as rain. For Haribo to only discover problems after the rollout suggests that there were major flaws in its ERP system testing strategy or lack thereof. Haribo should therefore have performed system checks in a designated testing environment that would have had the bandwidth to simulate real-life operations.


    MillerCoors is a beer brewing company in the United States. In 2013, MillerCoors made an investment of $100 million on an ERP implementation that was supposed to speed up procurement and accounting while streamlining the company’s supply chain operations. They chose HCL as their technology partner to help see the project through.

    However not long after the project was awarded, problems started to immediately arise as MillerCoors began to question the direction that HCL was taking on the project. There were concerns regarding the blueprint, as well as the assigned resources to the new project endeavor.

    To address these concerns, HCL issued a new work order, which increased the total price of the ERP implementation to $62 million. However, despite the increased budget to rectify issues that may arise, the first rollout was marked by 8 “critical” severity defects, 47 high-severity defects, and thousands of additional problems were recorded

    By March 2017 the project had gone so far south that MillerCoors attempted to sue HCL for $100 million claiming HCL had inadequately staffed the project and failed to live up to its promises. The lawsuit was settled out of court in 2018.

    Why did everything fall apart?

    1. Re-using existing contracts: The leadership team of Millet Coor should have thoroughly researched to discover exactly what they wanted out of an ERP system instead of simply publishing a request for proposal. MillerCoors and HCL used an existing master services agreement to define the terms of the new contract. While this might have been convenient at first, it ultimately complicated efforts and ended in a lawsuit.
    2. Choosing the Wrong Technology Partner: Secondly, it appears Millet Coors made a mistake in their choice of an implementation partner that failed to carry them a sense of commitment to ensure that the project became a resounding success. Millet Coors should have more carefully evaluated their requirements and should have partnered with an organization that adopts a product centric mindset to their craft.
    3. Letting Outsiders Drive the Project and Not Employees: Thirdly, it’s important to have employees drive the change, no matter the degree. A company of Millet Coor’s size should have taken feedback from its employees to better assess the organizations needs and requirements before hiring an army of outside consultants to oversee the project and expect them to deliver something which they cannot truly comprehend.

    How Adtech will ensure the success of your digital transformation initiatives:

    Adtech can help you succeed in your digital transformation endeavors by accurately assessing the process and taking ownership of all stages of the project to ensure its success. To improve the chance of digital transformation success, the team at Adtech will:

    • Ensure skills and resources are properly allocated and all roles are clearly defined.
    • Ensure all stakeholders understands the project outcomes.
    • Future-proof and protect project outcomes using our product mindset
    • Ensure agility throughout the project’s lifespan.
    • Ensure best practices are put in place.
    • Consistently monitor and effectively manage the digital transformation points

     Reach out to us at info@adtechcorp.io to book a free 30-minute consulting session 

  • Tech Titans that Failed at Digital Transformation

    Tech Titans that Failed at Digital Transformation
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    70% of all digital transformation projects end in failure. This is because organizations either exceed their allotted budget, fail to properly define and meet end goals, or the company decides to cut their losses and abandon the project. In certain situations, it also comes down to improper planning or a  ith that in mind, we’ll be looking at 2 other industry titans that experienced failure in their digital transformation initiatives:

    Hewlett Packard (HP)

    In the year 2004, HP set out on a mission to streamline their disparate ERP systems across its North American division into an integrated supply chain management system. But the company did not expect things to go awry as they had a history of successfully completing 34 projects that were similar in nature. However, the 35th project was marred with operational problems and project missteps which would prove costly. The digital transformation failure at Hewlett-Packard can be attributed to three primary causes:

    1. Project Silos: Before the company wide migration took place, every sector that came under the North American division of HP had its own ERP system. This made it difficult for leadership teams to bridge the gaps between departments. Ultimately this proved detrimental because extensive changes were required to both the existing processes as well as employee mindsets, both of which failed to take root.
    2. Data Integrity Compromised: Orders by the ton were becoming lost as HP moved from their old ERP software to the new SAP platform. Faced with angry customers and lost sales, HP was forced to temporarily direct orders through its channel partners and expedite orders through air-shipments. Despite these preventive measures, the backlog of orders totaled around $120 million.
    3. Failure to keep up with Increased Demand: At the time of the project, demand for HP products was at an all-time high. While normally this would have been good news for business, it was bad news for the new system that was improperly integrated. Naturally, the new SAP platform struggled to keep up with the influx of orders and resulted in the organization losing $400 million dollars’ worth of revenue.

    To summarize if HP had established collaborative business processes before combining disparate systems into one central platform, this catastrophe could have been avoided. When planning your digital transformation project, it may seem natural to choose a shorter timeframe but rushed ventures absent collaborative practices often result in failure.

    General Electric (GE)

    The General Electric Company (GE) is one of the largest industrial conglomerates based in Britain that is involved in consumer and defense electronics, communications, and engineering. The organization makes a whopping $74 billion dollars a year in profits.

    General Electric wanted to make its mark on the industrial internet and to bring this endeavor to fruition, they created GE digital in 2015. GE Digital aimed to not just centralize all of the company’s IT operations but also sought to become one of the top ten software companies by 2020.

    Centralizing IT for a company the size of GE and building an entirely new class of software-hardware integration is an immense undertaking, one that requires massive engineering talent, huge amounts of input from thousands of people across dozens of time zones, and should take account of every business in GE.

    Initially making GE Digital its own business unit definitely was a step in the right direction, but it also meant inheriting the roles and responsibilities of GE Software despite the fact that the unit’s objectives were strikingly different than the company’s expertise.

    The hurried transitional effort from huge machinery to cloud-based software solutions was a recipe for disaster and backfired on the company, leaving GE in an economic quicksand. The quarterly P&L requirements were the primary focus of the digital transformation efforts and this effectively prevented GE digital to invest in long-term strategies and limiting themselves to pursuing short-term goals that failed to add exponential value to the overall business. This resulted in GE digital’s stock prices taking a plummet and falling as far as $11.60 a share in trading, breaking past its previous low of $11.94.

    What went wrong:

    • Despite having a clear vision, driving the digital transformation at a large scale meant trying to do everything at once instead of charging a small team with developing a sustainable yet scalable solution.
    • Despite making heavy investments in tech and hiring the talent available in the market, the digital transformation initiative of GE Digital failed to succeed due to their inability to balance between their business needs and capabilities.

    In the end, once it was clear GE digital did not perform as it was originally envisioned, parts of the business were sold off while the rest was wrapped up into GE power.

    Embarking on the digital transformation journeys depends on an organization’s foresight to accurately assess their capabilities and meeting them using the power of technology. Small steps may be obsolete but on the other hand giant leaps may be overkill.

    If you’re unsure about the next steps that need to be taken for your digital transformation initiatives, reach out to Adtech. At Adtech, you will find a team of seasoned technologists, expert developers, and thought leaders who can help your organization find great success in its digital transformation efforts.

  • FMCG Giants that Failed at Digital Transformation

    FMCG Giants that Failed at Digital Transformation
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    Throughout the history of digital transformation, there have been always been more losses than wins, 70% to be exact. This is because many organizations reflect a lack of vision, understanding and commitment to their digital transformation process. This leads to organizations making ill-informed strategic decisions that will put them on a downward trajectory. In this article we will be taking a look at 2 industry titans that experienced failure in their digital transformation initiatives:


    Hershey is a prominent confectionery company with more than 90 brands around the world that drive over $4 billion in annual revenues. Despite their success and popularity today, the Hersheys brand has experienced its fair share of losses, one of it being a major legacy modernization initiative launched way back in 1996.

    Hershey at that time needed powerful ERP system to replace their patchwork of legacy IT systems that were staring to become detrimental. The company decided to replace its legacy systems with an integrated ERP environment that consisted of three main components:

    1. SAP R/3 ERP software
    2. Oracle Seibel’s CRM
    3. A new SCM solution by Manugistics.

    All in all, the modernization costs came to a whopping $112 million. The transition to the new ERP systems was slated to last 48 months but Hershey’s leadership team decide to rush the project by reducing timeline for the project to under 30 months.

    In order to accommodate the shorter timeline, the IT team were left with no choice but to cut down on the testing phase. More importantly, the final switch was slated for July 1999, which coincided with Hershey’s busiest seasons. This was recipe for disaster because over $100 million worth of orders were left unfulfilled despite Hershey having the inventory due to problems that arose with the ERP system. This travesty caused Hersheys to lose out on 19% of their quarterly revenues resulting in company’s stock dropping by 8%.

    To summarize Hershey’s experience is a cautionary tale for leadership teams aiming to implement legacy modernization journey initiatives within an unreasonable amount of time.


    Revlon is an American multinational company dealing in cosmetics, skin care, fragrance, and personal care. They had begun implementing SAP S/4HANA and other ERP solutions without properly taking into account the risks associated with a digital transformation initiative. The implementation in February 2018, not long after they had acquired Elizabeth Arden. This meant the company was balancing an SAP implementation as well as an acquisition which most experts would consider the perfect recipe for disaster. And they were right.

    On February 2018, soon after the company launched its new ERP system in the U.S, the damage was instantaneous. Their manufacturing facility located in Oxford, North Carolina began to experience service level disruptions that effectively crippled the organization’s ability to manufacture large quantities of finished goods and fulfill shipments to several large retail customers in the U.S. Furthermore, the company began to incur expedited shipping fees and other unforeseen expenses in accordance with the remedial actions taken by the company to mitigate the decline in customer service levels, which continued for quite a while.

    When the dust finally settled, Revlon had lost over $64 million in unshipped orders, suffered a 6.9% drop in its stock price, and worst of all got sued by its investors for financial damages suffered as a result of this debacle.

    How choosing the right tech partner can help your digital transformation efforts?

    Working with a tech partner can help your company in its digital transformation journey by providing access to expertise and resources that you may not have in-house. A good tech partner can help you assess your current technology infrastructure, identify areas for improvement, and can help you develop and implement a comprehensive digital transformation strategy. Additionally, a seasoned tech partner can provide guidance on the latest technologies and best practices to help you seamlessly navigate the complex and constantly changing landscape of digital innovation. For a quick consultation, please contact our digital transformation experts at info@adtechcorp.in and learn how our team can assist you in walking the right path.

  • Transforming Healthcare in 2023: The Dev Ops Phenomenon

    Transforming Healthcare in 2023: The Dev Ops Phenomenon
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    The global healthcare industry has never been one to actively pursue digital transformation. But the COVID-19 pandemic changed all that. According to the HIPAA Journal, the year 2021 witnessed more data breaches than previous years. Between the years 2009 to 2021, healthcare data breaches have resulted in the loss or exposure of over 314,063,186 medical records.

    Although many great industry initiatives such as the FDA Digital Health Innovation Action Plan was created, the question remains on how healthcare companies can implement digital innovation at manageable costs without compromising on security.

    The Use of DevSecOps in the Healthcare Industry

    Healthcare providers are still reeling from large implementations of Electronic Medical Records or EMR platforms. To be strategic, CIOs need to concentrate on acquiring high quality data and feeding it into their systems for analysis. DevSecOps can help in this regard as it has been at the helm of digital transformation initiatives and is quite capable of curbing these issues.

    Here is how DevSecOps can maximize business value in the healthcare industry:

    Improved Software Quality: DevSecOps helps deliver high-quality software applications by driving automation to deploy applications consistently and avert system outages. Its principles focus on ensuring consistent software delivery, averting major bugs, and maintaining excellent customer experience.

    Compliance Requirements: Any healthcare system (including EMR systems) is complex when it comes to security and compliance requirements. Automated security testing of DevSecOps applications ensures compliance and addresses security concerns.

    Cost-Effective and Efficient Development: Healthcare costs continue to escalate, along with the costs of developing high-quality applications. DevSecOps ensures that high-quality software does not translate into a time-consuming and expensive development process. DevSecOps development practices deliver improved efficiency and a faster time-to-market.

    How DevSecOps Can Overcome Data Security Challenges in Healthcare

    Data security is a continuous and not a one-time activity. DevSecOps implements data security with the productive “everyone is responsible for security” mindset — precisely why its market is expected to reach $23.42 billion by 2028, up from $2.55 billion in 2020.

    Here is a closer look at how healthcare organizations can overcome security-related challenges using the DevSecOps practice:

    1. Build Security Expertise

    Often, product developers do not understand the customer’s security requirements. Lack of security expertise ranges from the top management executive to the junior development team members.

    To overcome this challenge, the solution is to create a dev-op centric organizational culture. A culture surrounding DevOps demands cross-functional collaboration and buy-in to ensure security considerations are integrated into the entire product development lifecycle. DevSecOps will entail embedding governance and cybersecurity functions such as identity and access management (IAM), privilege management, code review, configuration and vulnerability management throughout the DevOps workflow.

    When done right, organizations will be able to enable efficient product releases, while avoiding costly recalls or the creation of additional patches after products are released.

    2. Create a Secure and Automated Development Pipeline

    With evolving demands of the healthcare industry, organizations need to release applications regularly and quickly. But security-related practices take time to implement. This includes procedures like penetration testing and threat modeling.

    Healthcare companies can overcome this challenge using DevSecOps automation that begins with building an efficient CI/CD pipeline with the right business tools. An automated pipeline with built-in security can successfully scale across all business operations with proper implementation.

    Here are a few ways to improve data security during the DevSecOps process:

    • Execute application security testingat every stage of the DevSecOps process. This includes vulnerability scans and code analysis during application deployment (before the production stage).
    • Container hardeningis essential if the CI/CD pipeline is built using containers.
    • Network hardening, which includes host-based firewalls, data loss prevention, and firewalls at the operating system level.


    In summary, the DevSecOps approach serves to “prevent and cure” data security-related challenges in the healthcare industry. Favorably, DevSecOps is best designed for faster market releases and enhanced security.

    As a technology expert, AdTech has worked with customers across the healthcare industry with a focus on solving even the most complex of business problems. We go beyond technical expertise to acquire extensive domain knowledge and imbibe a product-centric approach to help clients achieve their business vision.

    Looking to innovate your healthcare systems? Contact us now.

  • 7 Great Ways to Optimize your QA strategy in 2023

    7 Great Ways to Optimize your QA strategy in 2023
    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    Modern QA strategies are no longer simply limited to your run-of-the-mill bug hunt and have evolved to become perfectly sculpted to meet organizational goals. QA is fast becoming a critical area in all parts of the dev cycle and the CI/CD pipeline and is quintessential to business success. To make your QA strategy more resilient and efficient in 2023, here are 7 things every organization must do ASAP.

    1. Incorporate Agile Methodologies into Software Testing:

    With agile methodologies, QA testing becomes a vital part of the design and development processes, rather than simply being sidelined as a separate phase. Here, quality becomes a guiding principle and test results are directly incorporated into the design and development processes.

    This is a collaborative approach that requires the QA team, developers, designers and even end users to communicate and work together. In order to foster better collaboration among all stakeholders, a single repository for the app code must be used.

    This will enable teams to go through a shorter development cycle, followed by a targeted quality control and testing phase for the new features. Additionally, regression testing, security testing, and stress testing can be undertaken to ensure everything works as right as rain.

    1. Make Security Testing an Integral Part of your QA Process:

    In today’s world, organizations have become possessive about their data and have begun to finally comprehend the ramifications of poorly securing it.  This is where modern QA comes in to save the day.

    While it’s true that historically QA was a field focused on identifying logical failures in the code written by developers.  In today’s world the role of QA has evolved to address security concerns before the application is released into production by leveraging established testing practices.

    Integrating security tests with QA can significantly reduce and help streamline software development life-cycle (SDLC) by reducing the probability of failed application releases and shortening application release cycles.

    1. Leveraging Automation for Optimizing the Role of QA teams:

    Continuous testing to be effective requires test automation to be implemented throughout the delivery pipeline. Test automation not only hastens the speed of deployment by enabling teams to move onto the next development cycle but, more importantly, reduces the risks inherent in continuous delivery.

    Furthermore, to support application delivery at DevOps speed, security tests can be automated and baked into the SDLC so that developers can take remedial actions on security issues before code is committed.

    Organizations must also schedule manual tests after key development cycles to incorporate feedback regarding the user experience and other key functionalities of the app.

    1. Make UX clean, intuitive and robust:

    A robust testing process is key to creating a user-centric design for an app that is both usable and intuitive enough to meet the requirements of a target audience. Good quality UX is more than a few decorative fonts cobbled together with a vibrant color scheme but rather must include thorough test cases that ensure:

    • Comprehensibility
    • Responsive feedback
    • Predictability
    • Efficiency

    Intuitive design testing can help by checking for scenarios where an app does not receive an expected value from the server in an API response. Similarly, it is prudent to create test cases that put the customer’s needs and desires first and incorporate their feedback into the dev cycle. Adopting a product mindset can greatly help.

    1. Shift Left to prevent disasters before they can take root:

    From connectivity failures to functional concerns, bugs are bound to pop up both in expected as well as unexpected places during development. Fixing software bugs is an incredibly costly affair once the product has reached customer hands.

    Shifting left and executing smaller QA tests earlier in the allows for more time to identify and rectify bugs effectively, and before the product ships out to customers.

    One great way to shift left is by pairing testers with developers to run tests before building the application and providing timely feedback which can be incorporated into the development process. However, keep in mind that tests performed earlier in the pipeline don’t necessarily replace the testing done before deployment – they complement them and reduce the chance of bugs escaping detection.

    1. Make Modern QA teams pay attention to load testing:

    Applications can become information-intensive when a massive exchange of data takes place to ensure that the best experience is delivered. Load Testing conducted by QA teams can help draw some much-needed attention to issues that might hinder the application’s performance, or identify any bottleneck that may occur due to excess load on the software behind the application.  The recent WhatsApp outage that left users unable to send or receive messages on the platform is a great example of what happens when load testing is skimmed out.

    To ensure that QA teams properly conduct load testing without sacrificing quality or test coverage, here’s what they must do:

    • Requirement Gathering: Determine the mission-critical functionalities of the application that has to be tested and gauge how it will have an impact on the end-user experience.
    • Map Out User Journeys: Identify how users will interact with the application.
    • Establish a Baseline: Run tests to establish a solid baseline for your application to test against. Use this benchmark as a safety net to determine if any deviation in the application’s performance warrants a deeper dive into test data.
    • Automate Away: Have QA teams prioritize load testing as a part of their CI/CD processes & integrate with the tools that are already in use.

    These steps will provide a good foundation to begin load testing your application.

    1. Write Praise-Worthy Test Cases:

    Should developers write tests?

    On one hand, the agile approach is about taking complete ownership of the product being conceived, and enabling developers to write test cases is a great way of instilling a sense of ownership.

    On the other hand, this could also mean opening up pandora’s box i.e., developers who create tests tend to develop a bias towards their creation and write code that will pass the test without meeting client requirements or quality standards.

    For this reason, even though each test case must have a narrow focus, there should be cohesion in the test case suite. Each test should be based on clear expectations and result in a measurable outcome.

    Break down each test case into a series of smaller steps. Taking these steps will tell you whether or not a feature works the way it is intended or not. You can think of writing a test case as a series of actions associated with answering a question. The instructions written for each test case must help testers attain a clear understanding of what they are expected to do. Doing so can enable testers to save time and get better results since they are armed and armored with instructions and tutorials that aren’t liable to misinterpretation.


    Reach out to us at info@adtechcorp.in to book your free consultation

  • 5 Ways in Which the Healthcare Sector’s Reliance on Legacy Systems Is Hurting Them

    5 Ways in Which the Healthcare Sector’s Reliance on Legacy Systems Is Hurting Them
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    From government regulatory bodies to multi-specialty hospitals and even family clinics, we’ve seen a slew of digital initiatives ranging from telemedicine to remote care and diagnostics moving crucial operational elements onto digital platforms. Healthcare leaders are getting inspired by how sectors like retail are focusing on fulfilling customer experience across their digital landscape and thinking about how to follow suit. But the sector is plagued by one major obstacle- their reliance on legacy systems. 

     Let us explore 5 ways in which legacy systems can hurt key players in the healthcare sector: 

     Poor patient engagement 

    Legacy systems are unable to deliver on key experience pillars like personalization and self-service offerings. Today, digital-savvy patients need access to a range of tailored medical services on their smartphones. This is often enabled by data collected from their wearable health trackers and remote diagnostic devices and based on a deep understanding of the specific situation of each user. Such an interconnected system of healthcare can function only with the support of technologies like IoT, AI, and big data analytics.  

     Obstructing product innovation 

    In the quest for sustainable growth, healthcare organizations need to productize their technology ecosystem and continuously upgrade their digital offerings via a strategic product roadmap. By transitioning the entire end-to-end patient lifecycle into a single platform from which multiple departments can simultaneously access a single source of truth for a patient’s data, there will be a huge jump in efficiency for the organization. Different business systems in use at each of these departments should be able to seamlessly connect to the centralized patient management system. However, when legacy systems dominate the digital network, such plans take a hit. Legacy systems rarely provide an extensible and flexible technology architecture both of which, are essential to any modern digital development initiative.  

     Entrenched fear of disruption in leadership 

    Transforming to a digital-friendly ecosystem requires both a big budget and support from the leadership team. But such a transformation exercise necessarily involves migrating from existing legacy systems. The greater the dependence on these systems today, the bigger the fear of disruption in operations tomorrow. This thought process leaves leadership teams puzzled and unsure of the next steps to be take. The comfort of the familiar, even as problems keep surfacing, atrophies decision-making and makes it progressively harder to change. Over-caution breeds questions like whether critical patient engagement channels will be able to handle the change, or will automation create further complications for caregivers and doctors due to technical issues.  This fear leads to legacy systems becoming an albatross around the neck for healthcare providers looking to find success in their digital transformation initiatives 

     Security hazards 

    Healthcare institutions tied to legacy systems often give very less importance to upgrading their infrastructure like operating systems, security firewalls, etc. A consequence of this is that there will be hundreds or thousands of computers running outdated legacy software internally connected to the technology network of the organization. This is the perfect opportunity for hackers and cybercriminals to launch targeted attacks and create disruptions. The WannaCry ransomware threat is a sobering example in this scenario. It mostly infected PCs that ran older and outdated versions of the Windows operating system utilizing vulnerabilities in the OS to hack into the larger network of healthcare IT departments. Legacy systems are harder to maintain and upgrade leaving them vulnerable to cyber-attacks. 

     Hinders collaboration 

    Legacy systems can create scenarios where people relying on them refuse to transition from the status quo. This creates friction when different departments with dependent technology infrastructure want to pursue their own individual digital transformation objectives. For example, the patient billing team may want to use a new SaaS solution that requires integration from the insurance team’s information system. However, if the insurance team leverages a legacy tool that doesn’t support API integration with the new billing solution, then the two teams will not be able to collaborate and ultimately this adversely affects the patient experience.  

    The future of health will depend deeply on innovative digital solutions for streamlining practices across every facet of care delivery. However, to transition into a modern digital ecosystem, it is imperative that legacy bottlenecks have to be eliminated first. The exercise is not easy and requires a strategic approach with measured results. Planning such a transition alone can be a huge challenge for healthcare organizations. This is where partnering with a pioneering player in the digital space can guarantee success in your modernization endeavors. 

     About Adtech: 

    Adtech is a tech consultancy that helps small to large enterprises attain operational excellence. We facilitate the creation of scalable solutions that deliver exceptional patient experiences, improve hospital efficiency and streamlines the value creation process across the board. If you’re hitting roadblocks in your healthcare modernization initiatives, then consider reaching out to us at info@adtechcorp.in 

  • 4 Core Benefits of Automation Testing in 2023

    4 Core Benefits of Automation Testing in 2023
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    Every software development company has a dedicated ground of QA testers responsible for testing its products. Yet despite their best efforts, the final build of every software comes with bugs and glitches that tends to evade the watchful eye of the QA team. This is due to the fact that manual software testing is performed by human testers and these tests will often have to be repeated during development cycles.


  • 4 Things Businesses Must Do Before Migrating to the Cloud: Going Beyond Survival

    4 Things Businesses Must Do Before Migrating to the Cloud: Going Beyond Survival
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    When the pandemic hit, 86% of organizations all over the world went from prosperity mode into survival mode. This fueled a massive exodus to cloud for 3 key reasons: to better respond to the needs of a remote workforce, to align organizational priorities with changes in business patterns and to allay any and all fears of customers.


  • Top 3 Ways Supply Chain 4.0 Technologies Are Revolutionizing Supply Chain Operations

    Top 3 Ways Supply Chain 4.0 Technologies Are Revolutionizing Supply Chain Operations
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    COVID-19’s cataclysmic impact on supply chains has heightened the need for organizations to focus on risk mitigation and improving resiliency. This digitization of the supply chain, or “Supply Chain 4.0,” is becoming a revolution that will soon take the world by storm. Capitalizing on 4.0 technologies is no longer simply tied to risk mitigation but is rather becoming a chief source of competitive advantage, as every single node within the supply chain is leveraged for bringing together both suppliers and customers in entirely new ways. 


  • Digital Transformation: A 101 Guide for Flipping the Odds in your Favour

    Digital Transformation: A 101 Guide for Flipping the Odds in your Favour
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    70% of organizations fail in their digital transformation efforts simply because their initiatives are focused more on the technology aspect of the transformation process and less on the people management aspects. Even digitally savvy industries, such as high tech, media, and telecom, are struggling. Among these industries, the success rate does not exceed 26 percent.
