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Digital transformation can be a powerful change agent for organizations, but it can also fail, particularly when an organization hires the wrong tech partner, shortens the testing phase, and relies heavily on outdated systems and practices. This article examines the reasons behind the failure of the digital transformation efforts of two major companies namely Haribo and...
Digital transformation is a transformative phenomenon that can go off the rails even during the best of times for even the biggest organizations. Contributing factors include an overabundance of investment in building capabilities which are not warranted, a culture of hero worship and an over-reliance on legacy systems and age-old processes across the organization. With that...
FMCG Giants that Failed at Digital Transformation
There are many reasons why big companies fail at digital transformation. The most prominent reasons include a lack of clear strategy or vision, inadequate resources or funding, resistance to change from employees and leadership, and a failure to adequately address security and privacy concerns. Additionally, a lack of focus on the customer experience and an inability...
Healthcare providers are still reeling from large implementations of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) platforms. To be strategic, CIOs need to concentrate on acquiring high quality data for the explicit purpose of spearheading initiatives centered around patient care. DevOps can greatly help in this regard and can maximize business value in the healthcare industry by: 1. Helping...
QA is fast becoming a critical area in all parts of the dev cycle and is quintessential to business success. To make your QA strategy more resilient and efficient in 2023, here are 7 things every organization must do ASAP, 1. Incorporate agile methodologies into software testing 2. Make security testing an integral part of the...
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